Varley brings object lesson to PHS government class

Warren Varley, left, Democrat candidate for the Iowa House of Representatives, brought politics and government to life Monday and Tuesday for students at PHS.

Warren Varley, a candidate for the Iowa House of Representatives, spoke Monday and Tuesday to Diane Gibson’s U.S. government classes at Perry High School, describing the process of running for elected office and discussing various issues that especially affect young people.

The Adair County Democrat stressed the importance of voting and urged the students to #knock the vote and #rock the vote so their interests are represented in the political process.

Varley is a local farmer and attorney in Stuart who is currently campaigning for the district 20 seat in the Iowa House, which includes Perry, Dawson and Linden and the surrounding townships in Dallas County as well as all of Adair and Guthrie counties and part of Cass County.

Varley has more than 25 years of experience as a main street businessperson and is a leader in rural economic development across the district, as in his roles as president of the Midwest Partnership and the Stuart Enterprise for Economic Development.

“A strong public school system is critical for attracting and retaining young families in rural Iowa,” Varley told the PHS youngsters. “Moreover, investment in vocational training and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education are key to ensuring a prosperous future for all Iowans.”

Varley said generous funding for Iowa’s public school districts is one of his top priorities.

“My wife, Karen, and I put our four children through public schools here,” he said, “so we know a good Iowa education is a wonderful ticket to opportunity. However, we need to look at improving the school funding formula, which has not been substantially changed since my father, Andrew Varley, served this area as a legislator decades ago. We have extra challenges outside the urban areas, and I will advocate for fairness and equity for rural Iowa.”

Varley has landed an endorsement from the Iowa State Education Association (ISEA).

“On behalf of the Iowa State Education Association (ISEA), representing education professionals across the state, we are pleased to recommend Warren Varley for the Iowa House,” said ISEA President Tammy Wowro. “We believe Warren Varley will do what is best for all of Iowa’s students regardless of the ZIP code in which they live and be a voice for education professionals as important decisions are made that impact our students and our public schools.”

Varley is vying with Republican Ray “Bubba” Sorensen of Greenfield in the Nov. 6 general election for the seat in the Iowa House of Representatives being vacated by 10-term lawmaker Clel Baudler of Greenfield.


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