Knights of Columbus make annual pilgrimage in ditch

Turning out Tuesday for the St. Pat's Knights of Columbus semi-annual litter removal were, from left, Dick and Pat Lundstrom, Stacy Vaughn, Craig Hastings, Mike Caufield, Mike Wilson, Jim Cornelius, Dave Summerson, Sarah Vaughn, Gary Becker and Eric Vaughn. Photo courtesy Jon Wilson

The St. Patrick’s Knights of Columbus made their semi-annual pilgrimage to their stretch of County Road P58 south of Perry Tuesday in order to walk the ditch and remove litter in the Dallas County Adopt-A-Roadway program.

Knights entering the lists for the battle against litter were Jon Wilson, Dick Lundstrom, Craig Hastings, Mike Caufield, Mike Wilson, Jim Cornelius, Dave Summerson, Gary Becker and Eric Vaughn.

And what are knights without fair ladies? In our more modern age, the ladies enter the lists along with the knights, and helping out on P58 were Pat Lundstrom, Stacy Vaughn and Sarah Vaughn.


  1. Thanks for your service, guys. The Eagles of Perry adopted the same stretch a few years before you did. What we noticed on the west side of the road just downhill from the approach to Perry was at least about 100 empty cigarette packs thrown out along a half-mile stretch. They were all the same brand of cigarettes, and they were not seen after the last turnoff to the east before the Raccoon River bridge. Doubtless, they were all tossed by the same person who evidently lived somewhere in the development in the hills bordering the east side of P58. Many thanks to whoever did this as it provided great joy for us to pick up after their nicotine habit.


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