Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter marks 60 years serving Dallas County education

Celebrating 60 years of the Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter were, front row from left, Cathy Fox, Margaret Harden, Marilyn Lynch, Florence Heck, Lois Marie Mills and Joanne Lienemann; second row from left, Darlene Pitsenbarger, Sue Leslie, Carolyn Guay, Julie Derby, Roxy Schwartz, Karen Tussey, Pam Wittkamp, Deb Irving, Cathy Clark and Maureen Becker; third row from left, Marilyn Bode, Barb Burket, Bonnie Nelson, Marti Klatt, Sharon Ulrich, Nancy Burrows and Marlene Johnson. Photo courtesy Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter

Some 60 years ago, 15 educators from Dallas County met in Des Moines to establish the Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. On April 2 current members and guests celebrated that founding.

A short program was followed by installation of officers and recognition of long-term members. The officers installed were JoAnn Harmelink and Barb Burket as co-presidents, Marilyn Bode as first vice president, Sharon Ulrich as second vice president, Roxy Schwartz as recording secretary and Marlene Johnson corresponding secretary.

Five members were recognized as active for more than 45 years. Those receiving certificates and a rose were Wilma McManus for 60 years, Hazel Whitney for 55 years, Lois Marie Mills for 53 years, Clarice Ross for 48 years, Lois Seeley for 47 years and Joanne Lienemann for 45 years.

In accordance with the Alpha Gamma tradition, Carol Hill was recognized for her 10-year membership milestone.

Guests included four former members as well as Area 6 Coordinator Karen Tussey and Upsilon State President Pam Wittkamp.

The Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter is composed of current and retired women educators from Dallas County who are dedicated to enhancing education.

Long-term members Lois Marie Mills, left, and Joanne Lienemann received certificates and roses at the 60th anniversary celebration. Other long-term members honored at the meeting had their certificates and roses delivered to them.
Long-term members Lois Marie Mills, left, and Joanne Lienemann received certificates and roses at the 60th anniversary celebration. Other long-term members honored at the meeting had their certificates and roses delivered to them.
Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter officers installed at the 60th anniversary meeting were, from left, Marlene Johnson, Roxy Schwartz, Sharon Ulrich, Marilyn Bode, Barb Burket and current President Cathy Clark. JoAnn Harmelink was installed in office at an earlier ceremony.
Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter officers installed at the 60th anniversary meeting were, from left, Marlene Johnson, Roxy Schwartz, Sharon Ulrich, Marilyn Bode, Barb Burket and current President Cathy Clark. JoAnn Harmelink was installed in office at an earlier ceremony.


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