Friendly metro visitors swell fellowship ranks at SORE meeting

Welcoming the visitors to Friday fellowship were SORE members, clockwise from left, Andy Bambrick, seen here blessing the members, Gary Becker, Dan Spellman, Lou Hoger, Hank Schmidt, Jim Huyck, Daniel Spellman, Charlie Thompson and Larry Laborde. Not pictures are Bob Rounds and Jeff Stewart.

A brace of friendly faces from the metro region enlarged the circle of fellowship Friday morning at the meeting of the Society of Retired Experts (SORE) at the Perry Perk coffeehouse.

Joining the coffee group, in order of seniority, was Jim Huyck of West Des Moines and formerly of Perry, warmly remembered for his days of pre-retired expertise as a Perry City Council member and president of the Perry Industries Inc. development group.

Also welcomed was Daniel Spellman of Des Moines and formerly of Perry, noteworthy son of noteworthy parents Dan and Sally Spellman of Perry. Spellman brought news of the imminent removal of Des Moines University from its 24-acre Grand Avenue campus in to a  90-acre spread at the intersection of W. Grand Avenue and Jordan Creek Parkway in West Des Moines.

Welcoming the visitors to Friday fellowship were SORE members Dan Spellman, Andy Bambrick, Gary Becker, Lou Hoger, Hank Schmidt, Charlie Thompson, Larry Laborde, Bob Rounds and Jeff Stewart.


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