Sixth graders present hotel-room dioramas based on U.S. states

Perry Elementary School sixth grader Ada Webb designed a hotel room around the theme of America's 49th state, Alaska, known for its starry flag, oil and the aurora borealis.

Sixth grade students in the social studies teacher Carla Wood’s Power Up class at the Perry Middle School presented their handmade dioramas Thursday morning, each based on a U.S. state and designed like a themed room in the Hotel Pattee.

Some 15 students filled the Canisteo Room of the Hotel Pattee, with diorama designs ranging from New York to California, with newcomers Alaska and Hawaii also represented among the model rooms.

“The students have been studying how the states got their shapes,” Wood said, “and they chose a state and then did much research, redesigning a room like a diorama. If they could decorate a room at the Hotel Pattee, this is how they would decorate them.”

Students worked singly or in pairs, creating the dioramas and also PowerPoint presentations to accompany their models.

The students shared their work with hotel staff and others and were able to tour some of the suites in the 40-room landmark, afterward enjoying a complimentary soft drink downstairs.


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