Coons on hand with a wrench and a smile for three amigos

Lee Coons tightens a pedal for three young riders in August 2015. The three amigos, from left, Abraham Ruiz, 11, Adam Jaimes, 12, and Wilber Ramirez, 13, are all from Perry. Coons and his wife, Jodi, have owned and operated the Raccoon River Bicycle Co. since 2013 in downtown Perry.

Lee Coons, owner of Raccoon River Valley Bicycle Co. in downtown Perry, stopped to help three young riders Sunday afternoon when one ran into trouble with his bicycle pedal.

Wilber Ramirez, 13, Adam Jaimes, 12, and Abraham Ruiz, 11, all of Perry, stopped by Coons’ shop for a quick repair and were soon rolling again along the summer streets.

“The connector trail to Woodward will give biking another big boost in Perry,” Coons said as he stowed away his socket set.

Coons and his wife, Jodi, have owned and operated the Raccoon River Bicycle Co. since 2013. They stock many brands of bikes, including Trek and Bontrager.



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