Project Deliver the LOVE to start Wednesday morning


The Perry Lutheran Homes’ Project Deliver the LOVE, a fun way for the community to StepUp together to celebrate, serve, engage and connect with elderly citizens, will begin Wednesday at 9 a.m., when some 200 volunteers assemble and deliver baskets of love to nearly 350 elderly citizens in the Perry area.

The basket packing and assembly will take place at the Perry Lutheran Homes’ Eden Acres Campus located at 1300 28th St. in Perry. Basket packing shifts start at 9 a.m., with the last packing shift starting at 3 p.m. Volunteers will need to be age 12 and over in order to pack. Basket delivery shifts start at 10 a.m., with the last delivery shift starting at 4 p.m. Volunteers will need to be age 16 and over with a valid driver’s license in order to deliver.

Volunteers will be screened upon arrival, sanitize hands, given proper PPE if needed and asked to follow social-distancing guidelines. The Perry Lutheran Homes will be closing off all other areas of Eden Acres Campus during the event in order to keep everyone safe.

Project Deliver the LOVE was inspired both by the Perry Lutheran Homes’ StepUp Movement (Serving Together our Elders with Passion) to take notice of and StepUp to serve elders that are lonely, afraid, hungry or forgotten and by past initiatives to bring the community together to fight hunger through 100,000 meals packed in four years at the Perry Lutheran Homes through Meals from the Heartland.


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