When duty calls, Polk City law men stand and deliver

Polk City Police Department Officers Matt Aicher, left, and Alex Delaney greet newborn Everlee Briar Bishop, whom Aicher delivered June 2 in a Polk City apartment.

Everlee Briar Bishop was born in her Polk City home June 2, 2021.

To protect and to serve — and to deliver.

It was all in a day’s work for Polk City Police Department Officers Matt Aicher and Alex Delaney, who responded Wednesday, June 2 to a report of a woman in labor at a Polk City apartment house.

Aicher was the first on the scene and quickly discerned “that the delivery of the baby was imminent,” according to a statement issued Thursday by the Polk City Police Department.

The mother pushed, and Aicher caught the emergent subject. The officer was soon assisted by Delaney in keeping the baby girl warm and breathing until the Polk City Fire Department arrived to transport mother and child to the hospital.

Aicher and Delaney returned to the Sandpiper Apartments Thursday in order to greet  again the newborn Everlee Briar Bishop and her parents, Scott and Mendi Bishop of Polk City.

Everlee’s parents said they were grateful to all the emergency responders who helped their little girl into life June 2.

“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that help bring my daughter, Everlee Briar Bishop, into this world,” said Scott Bishop, “especially to Matt Aicher. Without you, I would have done it myself. Thank you, sir.”


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