Modern dance piece ‘Kiss’ inspired by COVID intimacy, alienation


The Perry community was treated to a free performance of excerpts from Stephanie Martinez’s ballet, “Kiss,” Saturday afternoon in downtown Perry.

Workers were seen Saturday morning, constructing leveling the stage prior to the 3 p.m. performance.

The 15-person company was composed of dancers from Ballet Des Moines and the Para.Mar Dance Theatre, Martinez’s troupe in Chicago.

Rosa Gonzalez of Hispanics United for Perry welcomed the audience of about 30, who assembled in the sunny and crisp autumn weather for the hour-long spectacle.

The show began with 12 to 15 minutes of excerpts from “Kiss” — Martinez called it an “appetizer” for the hour-long complete performance. The Chicago choreographer said she was inspired to write “Kiss” by the separation caused during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ballet is a search for intimacy that needs “to be seen and heard and honored,” Martinez said, a “searching for wholeness and peace” that can “nourish the self and others.”

Following “Kiss” was a series of folkloric dances presented by Los Laureles and performed Laura Espinoza of Perry and her children, Bethany Espinoza, Jesus Espinoza, 9-year-old Belinda Espinoza and family friend Maria Valdez.

With co-sponsors Al Éxito, Hispanics United for Perry and Los Laureles, the afternoon performance by Para.Mar Dance Theater and Ballet Des Moines brought a welcome measure of culture to Perry’s downtown business and cultural district.

Following the dance performances, children decorated miniature pumpkins with the Perry Public Library and a participated in a Day of the Dead activity with Des Moines CultureAll.

The full-length performance of “Kiss” will be staged Friday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. at the Des Moines Civic Center.


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