Ken Finer marks 83rd solar revolution at Perry Perk

Looking fine at 83, senior SORE member Ken Finer, second from right, was congratulated Friday morning by, from left, Lou Hoger, Doug Latham, Ray Harden, Tom Ulrich and Gary Becker.

Friday morning’s crisp temperatures made way to the warmth of the Perry Perk coffeehouse, where Ken Finer celebrated his 83rd birthday in the company of his fellow members of the Society of Retired Experts (SORE) coffee group.

Helping to mark Finer’s latest solar revolution were his fellow SORE members Gary Becker, Ray Harden, Lou Hoger, Doug Latham and Tom Ulrich, an unretired expect fresh from the harvest.

Perry Perk owner Tari Mason, in her eighth year as proprietor of the popular downtown coffeehouse, kept the celebrants fortified with fresh coffee and cinnamon rolls.

“We all wish Ken the best today and every day,” Mason said with a smile.


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