Perry Lions Club shares annual Christmas banquet

Sharing the festivities at the annual Perry Lions Club Christmas party were, front row from left, Harley McGuire, Connie McGuire, Rich Saemisch, Juda Saemisch, Ray Harden and Dianne Jones; second row from left, Margaret Harden, John Andorf and Rich Jones; third row from left, Rick Hoesing, Robin McCauley and Lois Hoger; fourth row from left, Jim McCauley and Lou Hoger; fifth row from left, Trisha Smith, Mike Wilson and Gary Becker. Photo courtesy Perry Lions Club

The Perry Lions Club celebrated Christmas with a delicious meal at the Hotel Pattee this week.

The main entrees were beef Burgundy and Champagne chicken, and a variety of delicious desserts were offered to the club members and their spouses.

Sharing in the festivities were Perry Lions and spouses John Andorf, Gary Becker, Ray and Margaret Harden, Rik Hoesing, Lou and Lois Hoger, Rich and Dianne Jones, Jim and Robin McCauley, Harley and Connie McGuire, Rich and Juda Saemisch, Trisha Smith and Mike Wilson.


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