Nu Alpha Gamma honors eight long-term members

Honored for their decades-long commitment to education in Dallas County were Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter members, from left, Marilyn Bode, Cathy Clark, Marilyn Lynch and Barb Burket. Photo courtesy Nu Alpha Gamma

Jenny Adair, first grade teacher at the Perry Elementary School, told the Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter about her use of a $150 literacy grant that she receive from the chapter. Photo courtesy Nu Alpha Gamma

The Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma honored eight chapter members at the April meeting for their long-term membership in the sorority.

Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter Vice President Marlene Johnson presented certificates and roses to members Barb Burket and Marilyn Lynch for 35 years of activity. Cathy Clark was honored for 30 years’ membership and Marilyn Bode for 20 years’ activity.

Not present but also honored were 30-year members Julie Spellman and Paula Thomson. Klista Meis, Sharon Ulrich and JoAnn Harmelink were honored for 25 years.

The chapter also received a report from Jenny Adair, first grade teacher at the Perry Elementary School, who discussed her use of a $150 literacy grant chapter.

Nu Alpha Gamma is a society of women educators who teach and/or live in Dallas County. They meet once a month to enjoy fellowship, interesting programs, networking and leadership opportunities.

Sue Leslie is the secretary of the Nu Alpha Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma.


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