Sixth graders ‘dare to dream’ in Lions Club poster contest

Sixth grade entrants in the Perry Lions Club Peace Poster Contest, from left, Rebecca Diaz-Cardenas, Asonette Gonzales and Jackie Hernandez-Padilla, join Perry Lion Roger Niemeyer for the exhibition. Photo courtesy Perry Lions

The Perry Lions Club recently held the 13th annual Peace Poster Contest for sixth grade  students at the Perry Middle School. The contest is held in conjunction with the Lion Clubs of Iowa.

Some 48 Perry students participated in the contest, with this year’s theme of “Dare to Dream.”

First place was captured by Asonette Gonzales, whose poster showed hands joined to form a heart over a circle of world flags. The second-place award went to Jackie Hernandez-Padilla, and the third-place winner was Rebecca Diaz-Cardenas.

The winner of the Perry Lions Peace Poster Contest now advances to the district level judging, and the winner at the district will advance to the state judging.

Perry Lion Roger Niemeyer was the chairman of the Peace Poster Contest.

Ray Harden is secretary of the Perry Lions Club.


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