Free holiday movie and play money draw area youth to Hotel Pattee

The audience was waiting with houselights dimmed for Sunday afternoon's free Holiday Kids' Matinee at the Hotel Pattee in Perry. Children received play money to "buy" movie tickets and refreshments as in a real theater.

The Hotel Pattee held its second annual Holiday Kids Movie Matinee Sunday afternoon, and local children aged 10 and younger enjoyed a free screening of a surprise holiday feature.

The 75-minute event was limited to 75 youngsters, who received play money to use to buy a ticket to the show and refreshments, such as popcorn and candy.

Jay Hartz, in purple, owner of the Hotel Pattee in Perry, and Miranda Hartz, right, served popcorn and other standard theater fare to the young moviegoers and their chaperones at the second annual Holiday Kids' Matinee Sunday.
Jay Hartz, in purple, owner of the Hotel Pattee in Perry, and Miranda Hartz, right, served popcorn and other standard theater fare to the young moviegoers and their chaperones at the second annual Holiday Kids’ Matinee Sunday.
Enjoying the free holiday movie treat at the Hotel Pattee in perry Sunday were, from left, Stacey Walton, Lenyn Walton, 4, Brooks Brelsford, 4, Collins Brelsford, 2, and Lindsey Brelsford, all of Perry.
Enjoying the free holiday movie treat at the Hotel Pattee in Perry Sunday were, from left, Stacey Walton, Lenyn Walton, 4, Brooks Brelsford, 4, Collins Brelsford, 2, and Lindsey Brelsford, all of Perry.


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