Happy Birthday to our own Jim Caufield, editor of ThePerryNews.com

Little passes the attention of news hound Jim Caufield, Ph.D., progenitor of this website. Today is the good doctor's birthday, so be sure to wish him well!

If you happen to see Dr. Jim Caufield about town today, be sure to wish him a happy birthday because March 14 is the annual anniversary of his arrival some years ago — no need for details! He looks younger but in fact is older than our friend Doug Wood.

I first met Jim in 2013 when he joined a publication where I was working. While sometimes differing in our social and political views, we have maintained a friendship  that has strengthened through our professional relationship.

Readers of ThePerryNews.com have Jim to thank because this is his baby — he had the idea and gave birth to this website late in January 2015. I was honored to be approached by him a few weeks later and asked to join this experiment. Now, 13 months and well over 1 million website visits later, it is fair to say Jim’s germ of an idea has struck roots and continues to flourish.

A man of many hats, Jim is constantly on the prowl for the latest scoop and is so often the first reporter on the scene of Perry-area breaking news as to make any comparison with the competition a waste of time.

His in-depth feature reporting sheds light on topics that others only cover with a superficial brush. And his command of grammar is occasionally used to keep a sometimes rule-ungoverned sportswriter in check.

Join me in wishing Jim a happy birthday!



  1. Congratulations on your completion of another successful orbit, Jim. Frankly, I’m pleasantly surprised each day I wake up myself and figure you feel the same way.

  2. Happy Happy birthday Jim. We apreciate your work and also your friendship so very much. It is great having your talent and energies in Perry!
    Chuck and Katie Schott

  3. Happy birthday, Jim. So glad you are having success with your website. It’s nice to get the local news oftentimes before you hear it anywhere else. Keep up the good work, and don’t celebrate too much.

  4. To steal from one of my fav birthday cards, “Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest.” (Source unknown, but obviously someone good with numbers.) Enjoy!

  5. Happy birthday, Jim. Thanks so much for helping to strengthen awareness of our American Legion programs here in Perry.
    Best wishes to you.

    Your friends at the American Legion


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