cuts ribbon on successful first year

One year and 1 million website views for were celebrated Thursday morning when Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce members hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Perry's newest media source. Attendees included, front row from left, Marcus Carris, Kathy Hoskinson, Susie Moorhead, Bob Wilson, Jim Caufield, Jeff Webster, Cait Lamm and Doug Wood; back row from left, Nathan Leerhoff, Lee Coons, Barb Wolling, Larry Vodenik, Becky Towers, Sven Peterson, Tim Farmer, Matt May, Ray Harden, Peter Malmberg and Mike Caufield.

The Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday morning at the downtown offices of, capping a successful first year for the city’s favorite digital media source.

About 25 members of the local Chamber, family members and well wishers of the online enterprise gathered for coffee and sweet rolls prior to the ribbon cutting. President Lee Coons, Past President Samantha Smith, Treasurer Susie Moorhead, Director Matt May and Executive Director Bob Wilson were among the Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce leadership attending the event.

“One year and 1 million website views is quite an accomplishment,” said Wilson, “and we wish you continued success. Keep those police reports coming.”

The Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce presented a certificate reading, "The Perry Chamber of Commerce wishes success and continued growth to"
The Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce presented a certificate reading, “The Perry Chamber of Commerce wishes success and continued growth to” was founded in the spring of 2015 and has quickly become the area’s leading source for local news and sports. Editor Jim Caufield thanked his fellow business people for their support over the year and expressed gratitude to the’s contributing writers, who have been a large part of the online newspaper’s success, he said.

“Ray Harden, Laura Stebbins and Doug Wood deserve special thanks for their generous articles,” Caufield said. “It takes a village to make locally owned media work, and we couldn’t have done it without you and without all our readers in the Perry area.”

Sports Editor Jeff Webster noted the rapid growth of from its modest beginnings in February 2015.

“Readers like the quality,” Webster said. “That’s really been the key for us. We’re fast and accurate, and people like that. They want their names spelled right. They want the stories to make sense. We deliver a high-quality product. It’s really just that simple. Advertisers would be well advised to call us if they want to reach their target demographic.”

Webster has been covering high school sports in Iowa for more than 25 years for several newspapers. Caufield studied journalism at Iowa State University and worked for many years as a college English teacher.

Writers, photographers and videographers interested in seeing their work published in should call 515-661-7600 or email

From its modest beginnings in February 2015, now attracts more than 100,000 websites views a month.
From its modest beginnings in February 2015, now attracts more than 100,000 websites views a month.


  1. Congratulations to! You’ve identified a need and managed to fulfill it in a magnificent way!
    Well done!
    Your friends at the American Legion

  2. Great job to both of you! I can’t imagine all of the hours you two put into The Perry News! Your hard work definitely doesn’t go unnoticed! Congrats on your successful news site!


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