McCaulley pitches Meals from the Heartland to Perry Kiwanians

Dr. Randy McCaulley collected a $500 donation from the Perry Kiwanis Club Tuesday for the Meals from the Heartland program. Photo courtesy Perry Kiwanis Club Secretary Doug Wood

The Perry Kiwanis Club welcomed Dr. Randy McCaulley, chief administrative officer of the Perry Lutheran Home, to the club’s weekly luncheon and meeting Tuesday. McCaulley discussed the May 4 Meals from the Heartland packing event that he is organizing at the Perry Lutheran Home.

Meals from the Heartland is a program in which organizations package meals to be sent to nutrition-poor people in the U.S. and around the world. Each meal can feed a family of six.

Meals distributed in the U.S. contain enriched macaroni, soy protein, vitamins and dehydrated cheese, McCaulley said. The meals sent abroad contain rice, soy protein, vitamins, minerals and dried vegetables, such as carrots, onions, tomatoes, celery, cabbage and bell peppers.

McCaulley said the Perry Lutheran Home will be packaging the rice and soy meals, which cost $1.20 each to package and send. He hopes to raise about $4,0000 to host this event. Residents of the Perry Lutheran Home and Spring Valley Assisted Living will assist with packaging the meals.

The Perry Kiwanis donated $500 towards the Meals from the Heartland project and will donate an upcoming meeting to help package these meals.

Photograph by Doug Wood Perry Kiwanis Secretary.


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