Flags over Perry weekend promotion a flying success

Perry Lions Club President Dave Wright, left, led the way on the banner day, joined by fellow Lions Gary Becker, center, and Jim George. Photo courtesy Ray Harden

The Perry Lions Club set out flags Thursday morning in the downtown area as part of their Flags Over Perry project. The flags were displayed Friday and Saturday, with the local Lions removing the banners each evening and raising them each morning.

The Perry Optimist Club is also a partner in the Flags over Perry fundraising project. The weekend spectacle precedes a campaign to enroll local business owners in the patriotic program.

Local reaction to the fluttering furlers was positive Saturday.

“I love the flag,” said one downtown shopper. “We can never have too many flags.”

For a fee of $25, Perry residents can have the Perry Lions and Perry Optimists place an American Flag on their property on five federal holidays yearly. Interested residents can fill out an order form or contact Lions Club President Dave Wright at 515-240-7281.

Money raised from the flag project funds Optimist Club scholarships for Perry youth and Lions Club projects such as eyeglasses for the needy, seeing-eye dogs, summer camp for handicapped children and many other worthwhile activities.



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