Nonagenarians — and one centenarian — honored by First UMC

First United Methodist Church congregants honored for attaining 90 years included, front row from left, Elaine McMichael, Helen Spencer, Darlene Heaton, Doris Eldridge, Elsina Sieck and Opal Ruth; back row from left, Howard Heaton, Ellie Wojan, Mahlon Conaway, Rev. Paul Burrow, Eleanor Whiton, Rev. Walter Sieck, Elaine McMichael, Helen Spencer, Darlene Heaton, Doris Eldridge, Elsina Sieck and Opal Ruth.

The Perry First United Methodist Church recently honored members of the congregation who are aged 90 years or more or who will reach their 90th birthday this year.

Eleven nonagenarians attended the special service, including Mahlon Conaway, Doris Eldridge, Howard Heaton and Darlene Heaton, Elaine McMichael, Opal Ruth, Helen Spencer, Rev. Walter Sieck and Elsina Sieck, Eleanor Whiton, Ellie Wojan and pianist Bertha Mae Van Horn.

Members unable to attend the service but sharing the honors were Deloris Blanchard, Dean Blougher, Verla Ridnour, Dean Shifflet and Ruth Shifflet, Margaret Davis and Grace Moore.

Centenarian Clarice Ross, 104, was given especial notice by the community.

In honor of the occasion, Alexa Nelson and Brooke Nelson sang three special song selections, “Jesus Loves Me,” “Let Music Surround You” and “The Cuckoo.”

After the service, a luncheon was held to honor the First United Methodist Church’s centenarian and nonagenarians.

Video courtesy Pegasus TV 12 volunteer Doug Wood



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