John Glass Memorial KidsFest draws big crowds Saturday

Forest Park Museum Curator Pete Malmberg brought several animals to show to the youngsters, who were taken aback somewhat when Malmberg produced a corn snake. The presentation at the Carnegie Library and Museum was one of many activities held during Saturday's John Glass Memorial KidsFest.

The John Glass Memorial KidsFest was blessed with near-perfect weather Saturday, which helped bring a sizable crowd of youngsters to downtown Perry.

A LEGOs event held in the Perry Public Library helped kick off the festivities, with all other events either inside the Carnegie Library and Museum or on Railroad Street between the two bibliophile haunts.

A variety of arts and crafts projects were available inside the Carnegie, with card tricks, a magic show, balloon twisting and face painting all popular stops. Also on hand was Forest Park Museum Curator Peter Malmberg, who brought a selection of animals for an hour-long show-and-tell with the youngsters, after which Larry Vodenik brought his popular Sugar Gliders to show the crowd.

The Perry Volunteer Fire Department had their vehicles parked along Railroad Street, and climbing onto and into and learning about the big trucks was a popular attractions. Carnival games, complete with treats and prizes, also dotted the diagonal stretch pavement.

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