Rippey Community Building widens sidewalk access

Workers from Harland Concrete poured the wider, wheelchair-accessible sidewalk June 2 at the Rippey Community Building. Photo courtesy Jean Borgeson

A new eight-foot-wide sidewalk, including a curb cut from the street, was poured June 2 at the Rippey Public Library Community Room portion of the Rippey Community Building.

The sidewalk was constructed by Harland Concrete of Perry and was financed through the collaborative efforts of the Friends of Rippey and the city of Rippey. The combined match was put forward to the Greene County Community Foundation for a $3,200 project.

“This most recent project is helpful to people coming to the community room who are using wheelchairs or walkers,” said Friends of Rippey member Mary Weaver.

The Friends of Rippey previously received funds from the Greene County Community Foundation toward the Rippey Public Library and Community Room, the Osborn Park and the Galloping Goose Bike Trail.

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