VIDEO: Tradition lives on as Jayettes decorate state softball bus

Pictured are, from left, Perry softballers: Brooke Huntington, Gabby West, Sidney Vancil, Maddy Jans and Maddie West. They girls were decorating their bus before heading to the state tournament, where they placed sixth. One of the items addressed by the Perry School Board Monday was the purchase of a new bus -- and yes, the bus shown here will remain in the fleet.

Not wanting to disappoint those who had gone before, the 2016 chapter of the Perry Jayette softball team spent a few hours Monday decorating and painting the bus they will take to the state tournament.

Each player took a window to add her name, number and/or position, with several windows displaying team slogans or motivational sayings.

The body of the bus was reserved for more slogans and artwork, while the inside was covered with blue and white streamers hanging from the ceiling and other decorations.

Fans will have a chance to see the bus Tuesday when the team leaves for Fort Dodge promptly at 4 p.m. The Jayettes will travel west along Willis Avenue to downtown Perry and hope to see signs and fans lining the route.

Perry faces Oskaloosa in Harlan Rogers Park Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the state quarterfinals.

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