Plans take shape for all-’70s reunion weekend

The All-'70s Reunion planning committee put their heads together Monday night. Brainstormers included, clockwise from left, Andy Stout, Stephanie Hansen, Mike Caufield, Lori Seeley, Annette Menz, Steve Menz, Marjean Gries, Dean Berkland, Joelle Miner, Lila Robb, Cheri Scheib, Margaret Gittins, Nancy Tice, Karen Einck and Denise Niebuhr.

Gaining steam and numbers, the All-’70s Reunion planning committee put their heads together Monday night for a brainstorming session for next summer’s event.

Among the roughly 20 brainstormers who gathered at the Hotel Pattee for refreshments and planning were Andy Stout, Stephanie Hansen, Mike Caufield, Lori Seeley, Annette Menz, Steve Menz, Marjean Gries, Dean Berkland, Joelle Miner, Dan Miner, Lila Robb, Cheri Scheib, Margaret Gittins, Nancy Tice, Karen Einck and Denise Niebuhr.

The discussion was wide ranging, with the three-day event producing many ideas for venues, food and drinks, entertainment and daytime activities, such as like golf and bicycling. Matters of insurance, security and how best to notify the many far-flung class members were also discussed.

A Facebook page and website for the festivities will be forthcoming. Meanwhile, graduates and non-graduates alike can keep on top of the reunion’s progress on, which outreaches to donors and non-donors alike.


  1. As always — much appreciated! Please support’s website. They will be posting updates consistently about our reunion and could use your donations!

  2. Sorry I couldn’t attend. I hope Jimmy C. took notes as the class of ’77 representative. Correction on the names, James. You’ve got the Graney sisters mixed up. It’s Maggie Gittins, not Mary Kay. Hey, I’m older than you. You’ll get used to making small mistakes! Keep up the good work, TPN! Everyone donate to these guys. They’ve got their finger on the pulse of Perry. There’s a free slogan for ya, Jimmy C! Scroll down to the bottom of their web page, and hit the donate button. A great way to thank these gentlemen for their work.

    • Thanks for the correction, Pat. I guess your eyes must be pretty well healed. If it were you and Joe I’d mixed up, I would observe that at our age we Irish wrecks all start to look a lot alike. This obviously does not apply in the case of your charming elder and younger sisters. Well, as long as the mistakes remain small and the readers generous, perhaps all will be well. And thanks for the plug. It’s people like you who keep us doing what we’re doing come hell or high water. You’re making Perry great again.


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