Dawson Emergency Services flips pancakes for rescue air bags


The Dawson Emergency Services Association held its second annual pancake fundraiser Sunday morning in the Dawson Community Building. The goal of this year’s event is the purchase of rescue air bags for the Dawson First Responders unit.

Dawson Fire Chief Bill Kempf and a host of volunteers had pancakes, scrambled eggs and smoked links waiting for the people coming straight from church to the community event.

Dawson firefighter Mike Heinz, who demonstrated the use of a pair of rescue air bags on loan from the Perry Volunteer Fire Department, said the high-pressure, inflatable bags can be used to stabilize an overturned vehicle or split open a corn head. Each bag can produce 20 tons of pressure and is fed by air from the same SCBA bottles used by the firefighters in their breathing apparatus.

“We’re looking to raise about $4,600 for these,” Heinz said. He said the controller box was the most expensive element in the system.

The Dawson Emergency Services Association remains intact after the recent merger of the Dawson department with the Perry Volunteer Fire Department and will carry on its service to the Dawson community and “help address the special needs of this station,” Heinz said.

Other rescue gear was also on display Sunday in the Dawson firehouse, including a grain rescue tube.

Along with its annual pancake fundraiser, the Dawson Emergency Service Association also distributes goody bags to local retirees at the holidays.


  1. Thank you so very much for coming, covering this event and having breakfast with us. You never did make it back for your full-station tour. Maybe next time. Thanks, Jim!


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