Dallas County Foundation Board sees five-seat swing at March meeting

The five members of the Dallas Coiunty Foundation beginning new terms this month are, from left, Katie Spellman, Doug Pullin, Lynn Ubben, Dean Scott and Carol Hill.

The Dallas County Foundation (DCF) Board of Directors recently gathered at the Hotel Pattee in Perry to honor five of its number who are retiring and also to welcome five new members to the board.

DCF Board President Tim Canney thanked five longtime board members, Susan Brelsford, Linda Nelson, Bill Siglin, Jim Mortimer and Margaret Morrison, for their dedication to the DCF and their steady commitment to the Foundation

Canney said the board retirees’ “willingness to spend time on valuable projects has benefitted so many communities in Dallas County.”

Five new directors were then welcomed to the board: Carol Hill, Doug Pullin, Dean Scott, Katie Spellman and Lynn Ubben.

Channey reminded the attendees that the DCF is a charitable foundation created by and for local citizens with the aim to improve the quality of life right here in Dallas County.

“We are here to help donors make a positive, local impact by offering a variety of giving tools to help people achieve their charitable giving goals and do good work in our communities that lasts forever,” Canney said.

For more information about the DCF or to donate, visit their website.


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