Huscher leads Rotarians on Bolivian ‘road of death’

Iowa Fifth Judicial District Court Judge Rick Huscher, left, was welcomed to the May meeting of the Perry Rotary Club by longtime member Bill Joy.

The Perry Rotary Club welcomed Fifth Judicial District Court Judge Rick Huscher to its May meeting Wednesday.

Huscher gave a presentation to the club about a trip that he took to the South American country of Bolivia. Huscher told of going to Oruro, seeing the Salar de Uyuni salt flat and travelling the Yungas Road, which is called the “the world’s most dangerous road” and “the road of death.”

Perry Rotary Club member Bill Joy welcomed Huscher on behalf of the membership.

The North Yungas Road, known as the world’s most dangerous road, connects the Bolivian cities of La Paz and Coroico, a distance of 56 kilometres or 35 miles.


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