Noland lands Teacher Associate of the Year Award at W-GHS

Kelli Noland, second from right, celebrates her recent earning of the Teacher Associate of the Year award from the Professional Educators of Iowa for her work in the Woodward-Granger Community School District. Helping Noland celebrate her award is her family, from left, daughter Katie Noland, husband Alan Noland and daughter Josie Noland.

Kelli Noland, left, celebrates her Teacher Associate of the Year Award from the Professional Educators of Iowa with Cindy Fisher, the Woodward-Granger High School teacher who nominated Noland for the honor.

Kelli Noland, a teacher associate at Woodward-Granger High School, was recently awarded the Teacher Associate of the Year Award from the Professional Educators of Iowa.

Noland landed the award from among a statewide pool of applicants. She received her award at the Woodward-Granger High School Senior Awards banquet May 17.

Cindy Fisher, a teacher at Woodward-Granger High School, nominated Noland for the award. The award was presented to Noland by Woodward-Granger High School Principal Rob Boley.

Noland was joined at the banquet by her husband, Alan Noland, and her daughters, Katie Noland and Josie Noland.

“My mother is a great person and educator,” Josie Noland said. “She truly deserves this award for all her outstanding work and accomplishments.”

Kelli Noland, center, winner of the Teacher Associate of the Year Award, was joined at the ceremony by Woodward-Granger High School Principal Rob Boley, left, and Woodward-Granger High School teacher Cindy Fisher, who nominated Noland for the award.


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