Final Rippey social marks turn from ice cream to dinner season

The season's final Rippey UMC ice cream social included something different as the Greene County Singers, a choral group, held a concert featuring many religious and traditional choral favorites.

As the corn and beans changing from green to brown signals the end of summer, so the fall ice cream social at the Rippey United Methodist Church signals the end of the beloved ice creams social season and the beginning of the equally beloved dinner season.

The Rippey UMC held their annual fall event Sunday. This year included something different as the Greene County Singers, a choral group, held a concert featuring many religious and traditional choral favorites.

The Jefferson UMC Bell Choir also played a few selections.

After the concert, a full house was on hand to enjoy the food and fellowship made possible by the community. The menu included beef burgers, homemade ice cream and a large selection of cakes and pies.

Funds raised by this event will be used for various area mission works and building upkeep.

The next Rippey Ice Cream Social is planned for the second Sunday in June 2018.


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