Rippey Lions Club plants memorial trees near baseball field

Rippey Lions Club members assisting in Saturday's memorial tree plantings included Mark Devilbiss, Maralynn and Myron Rinker, Harlan Den Beste, Rick Fazel and Dale and Nancy Hanaman. Photo courtesy Rippey Lions Club President Nancy Hanaman

The Rippey Lions Club members gathered Saturday, May 12 to plant a pair of memorial trees just south of the Rippey baseball field.

One tree was planted in memory of Keith Devilbiss, who was killed in a June 2016 accident in Rippey.

A second tree was planted to honor the 100th anniversary of the Lion’s Club organization.

Rippey Lions assisting with the plantings were Mark Devilbiss, Maralynn and Myron Rinker, Harlan Den Beste, Rick Fazel and Dale and Nancy Hanaman. The local Lions thanked Rippey Mayor Dan Brubaker for help in finding a location for the memorial trees.


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