Perry Lions hold annual picnic, try hands at geocaching

Some members of the Perry Lions Club, clockwise from leflt, Lions Andrew Bambrick, Don Strassburg, Rich Jones, Lou Hoger, guests Jim Dowd and Eldon Morris and Lions Rich Saemisch and Jack Shelker, socialize in the Sportman Park shelter house before the meal.

The Perry Lions Club held their annual picnic at Sportsman Park near Dawson Monday evening, with 12 members and two guests attending.[wpedon id=”82220″ align=”center”]

Lions Club President-elect Harlyn McGuire and Lion Doug Volz grilled the meats, and members brought covered dishes to share for the meal. Guests were Eldon Morris of Perry and Jim Dowd of Perry.

Regular business included reports on the Lions Club shelter house in Pattee Park, the Flags over Perry project and the Perry Lions Club scholarship, awarded at the PHS Senior Awards.

McGuire presented Lion Gary Becker with the National Lions Club Silver Centennial Pin for bringing in new members to the Lions organization.

Lion Dave Wright reported on his visit to the Woodard Lions Club, where an agreement was reached for collaboration in the Kids Sight Screening program in the fall.

After the conclusion of regular business, Dowd presented a program about geocaching, in which an object is hidden and a geocaching hunter uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to find it.

When the object is found, the hunter puts his name and information into the cache, takes out a small object, usually a toy soldier, and replaces it with another object. There are no monetary awards, Dowd said, but the spirit of the hunt and finding of the object are the rewards of geocaching.

Dowd said geocaching is a good way to get outdoor exercise and is also good source of family fun. He said there are 237 hidden objects within a 10-mile radius of Perry and an estimated 2.6 million caches worldwide.

Dowd gave the club the coordinates of the cache in Sportsman Park, and the club took off to find it, with members with GPS systems leading the way and the rest following. The object was found in a magnetic box attached to the back of a sign that read, “Tent Camping Only.”

It was fun activity, and it gave the members a good walk in the park and a chance to work off the hearty meal.


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