Rippey UMC serves loose meat, fellowship á la mode

The last of the summer's ice cream socials was hosted by the Rippey United Methodist Church, with the joys of fall dining in the offing.

It is time to end another season. What I mean is the beloved ice cream social season has wound down. The Rippey United Methodist Church held their second ice cream social of the year to officially end the season.

Each year Rippey has two ice cream socials. One in the middle of June and another in September. Back during the Good Old Days, I did not realize that Rippey hosted two of these events. I always thought that the year went by pretty fast before then.

As always, this event is more about fellowship and bringing people into the church than anything else. Nearly 200 people attended this year’s fall social. Monies raised are used for never-ending church maintenance and a variety of missions both locally and across the world.

The menu included beef burgers, homemade vanilla ice cream and a choice of pies and cakes. One year they had the best cherry cream pie. I hope that someone makes it again.

Although it is sad for this season to end, the equally beloved dinner season will be upon us this coming week, with the Washington Township School hosting a Pork Loin Dinner and the Granger United Methodist Church also holding an event.

Soon will be Bowman Chapel near Guthrie Center, Stuart United Methodist Church and the Bagely United Methodist Church Columbus Day chicken noodle dinner along with several others.

So many dinners, so little time. I pray my waistline can take them all in.


  1. For what I know lately for dinners, the Bowman Chapel outside of Guthrie Center serves a Thanksgiving Dinner starting at 11 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 30. Also on Sept. 30 is the Dexter UMC chicken dinner starting at 11 a.m. I think the Stuart UMC chicken and noodles is Saturday, Oct. 6 at 4:30 p.m. Then on
    Oct. 7 at 11:30 a.m. is the Guthrie Center Christian Church hamball dinner. On the way back, stop in at the Panora Catholic Church chicken dinner. Bagley UMC has there Columbus Day chicken noodle dinner on Oct. 8 starting at 4:30 p.m. There are many others to come.


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