Joys of beloved church dinner season fill hearts, bellies

Threatening skies made the drive home from the bagley United Methodist Church dinner nerve wracking.

We are still in the heart of the Beloved Dinner Season. Dan and I recently followed our Saturday three-day-dinner event with a couple of others.

We headed to the Guthrie Center Christian Church Oct. 7 for a dinner after attending the worship service at the Perry First UMC. It is headed up by the Christian Women’s Fellowship or CWF, to whom you make out your check.

It was a rainy day.

They usually have a ham ball dinner. This year the meat was ham. It was good. We also had the traditional cheesy potatoes, home-frozen corn, carrots, many salads, just as many desserts and a bevy of beverage.

They hold this dinner in a community center next to the church, which works out well and is one floor.

I asked the lady taking money out front what they were raising money for. She said, “For maintenance on the church and whatever needs that come up in the community.” I noticed a lot of younger people working at the dinner along with several older people.

On the way back, I stopped at the St. Cecilia Catholic Church broasted chicken dinner in Panora. It is always the same day as the Guthrie Center Christian Church, which is a great pity. I could not eat anything more, but I left a donation and picked up some chicken for Jeff Webster.

When I got there, they were just making up some more chicken, with a lot of people waiting. They had a full house for the diners, but you have to go into another room if you wanted takeout. I suppose they have to do this for the count and how you pay St. Cecilia’s.

That is also how we had to do it with the waffle dinner that we used to host at the Perry First UMC. I never did here from Jeff how the chicken was, but it certainly smelled divine.

Monday brought us Columbus Day and the annual — you guessed it — chicken noodle dinner at the Bagley UMC. This is held in the basement, and they always serve chicken and noodles with potatoes, green beans, salads, desserts and a beverage.

Once again, this fundraiser funds church needs and various missions. A lot of people work at this dinner.

On the way out of Bagley, I stopped to take a picture of their sign on the street. I noticed that the clouds did not look good. On the way home, we heard reports that storms were hitting Panora and Rippey. It only rained a little and when we got to Perry, it was clear.

I dropped Dan off and then heard the sirens. That is when the tornado touched down by the high school. It was clear a little west of there.

Wednesday came, and Dan had to go work out of town. I headed home and had a call from work about a situation. I went home and got the situation taken care of and then headed to the Guthrie Center Immanuel Lutheran Church beef and chicken noodle dinner.

By the time I got there they were out of the beef and noodles, so I had the chicken and noodles. So much for variety in my diet.

They also had potatoes, green beans, salads and desserts. I took a good helping and got filled up. I headed back to home. There was again a great variety of people of all ages working this dinner, which I always like to see.

There are more dinners yet to come.


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