Ain’t she sweet? Lydon livens up Spring Valley happy hour


Happy Hour at the Spring Valley Campus of the Perry Lutheran Home is a time of light refreshment, casual conversation and the familiar sounds of musical golden oldies.

Pat Lydon of Des Moines is among the wide variety of musicians who entertain on a regular basis at the long-term care facility. Lydon sings and plays the piano, specializing in popular songs from the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s.

Maureen Haglund, marketing coordinator for the Perry Luther Home’s Main and Spring Valley campuses, noted the ages of this week’s attendees.

“There is a lady who is 102,” Haglund said. “She’s our oldest resident. The man in the middle there is 96, and the woman next to him is 95.”

Haglund said the Spring Valley campus currently has one room available. The Perry Lutheran Home main campus is fully occupied, she said.

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