Area landowners to show watershed photos June 12 in Perry

Photo courtesy Ray Harden

Half-a-dozen area landowners will host a community photo exhibit, “River Stories: Views from an Iowa Watershed,” Sunday, June 12 at 5 p.m. at the TownCraft Center, 1122 Willis Ave. in Perry.

The six women landowners who created the exhibit — Courtney Tournis, Chris Henning, Jan Kaiser, Danielle Wirth, Patti Edwardson and Colleen Radebaugh — will provide a short presentation at 5:15 to introduce the photos. They documented their experiences in the watershed through photographs and short narratives or “photostories” and will share these at the event.

“One of the side benefits of the project,” said Jan Kaiser of rural Woodward, “beyond spreading the word about issues affecting the watershed, is the opportunity to meet some like-minded women who are willing to roll up their sleeves and make a difference.”

The photo event will follows author Jen Wilson’s reading from her novel “Water” at the Perry Public Library at 3 pm.

“As a fifth-generation female farm owner,” Kaiser said, “I was surprised to learn how many Iowa farms are owned by women, with the numbers predicted to grow even higher in the next 20 years. Working with these women has inspired me to spend time learning more about the importance of crop rotation, cover crops, and protecting our water sources.”

Central Iowa's watersheds are the subjects of "River Stories: Views from an Iowa Watershed," June 12 at the Town/Craft Center.
Central Iowa’s watersheds are the subjects of “River Stories: Views from an Iowa Watershed,” June 12 at the Town/Craft Center.

Wilson’s “Water” reading and the “River Stories” photographs are both free and open to the public. The photo exhibition runs from 5 p.m. to 6″30 p.m., with the presentation at 5:15 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

“River Stories” is co-sponsored by the Women, Food and Agriculture Network and the Raccoon River Watershed Association. The project is possible through funding from the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University.

For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page or call  515-337-3908.

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