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Ann Cochran

Ann Cochran
Pets add quality to the lives of their human families. Whether it’s a child learning the responsibility of caring for another living being or an older adult enjoying a constant companion in an otherwise lonely time, pets provide us...
The No Surprises Act took effect Jan. 1, protecting consumers from unexpected charges for medical care from out-of-network providers or facilities. This includes insurance through your employer, the federal Marketplace or an individual plan you purchased. If you’re uninsured or...
There are five main strategies to keep your colon healthy: eat high-fiber foods, exercise, keep your weight in a normal range, limit alcohol and don’t smoke. Be sure to get a colon cancer screening according to recommendations for your age,...
ALS is often called Lou Gehrig’s disease after the professional baseball player who died from it in 1941. The acronym ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. According to Harvard Medical School, ALS is a progressive disease that affects nerve cells...
Iron is an essential mineral needed for circulating oxygen-rich blood throughout our bodies. Persons lacking sufficient iron often experience fatigue. See the Better Health website for  specifics on how much dietary iron is needed in various life stages for optimal...
In February Dallas Center received a Healthy Hometown award at the Healthiest State Initiative ceremony, including a $5,000 grant from the Wellmark insurance company that will further the community’s work in improving the physical, social and emotional health of...
Athletes of all ages need fuel before, during and after exercise in order to enhance sport performance.  Athletes who are still growing should pay close attention to supporting their bodies with good nutrition and hydration. A condition called Relative Energy...
No one deserves to be abused in any way, and every type of abuse is serious. People often think of physical violence when they hear “abuse,” but it can take other forms. Dating abuse is a pattern of behaviors used...
The Dallas County Health Navigators frequently talk with persons who have retired and were caught unaware that basic Medicare does not cover dental care. Many new retirees have faithfully gone to their dentist every six months for their entire lives...
Even with the BRR Ride and the Beijing Olympics, your motivation to stay active this winter might be starting to wane. It’s been over a month since that New Year's resolution. People who normally golf, run on trails or...