Dan Spellman marks birthday Friday with SORE men

Celebrating Dan Spellman's birthday Friday at the Perry Perk coffeehouse were, from left, Tari Mason, Lou Hoger, John Andorf, Larry Laborde, Spellman and Ken Finer.

Dan Spellman, 79, of Perry celebrated his birthday a few days early Friday at the Perry Perk coffeehouse with his fellow members of the Society of Retired Experts (SORE).

Fresh cinnamon rolls, hot coffee and jokes about the pitiable state of state and national politics were served up by Spellman and his friends, John Andorf, Ken Finer, Lou Hoger and Larry Laborde.

A sober note was also struck in considering the Nazi death camp at Dachau and the lesson of man’s inhumanity to man.


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