DCF’s Cirksena briefs Perry Kiwanians

Scott Cirksena, left, development director for the Dallas County Foundation, spoke Tuesday to the Perry Kiwanis Club. Welcoming Kirksena was six-year Perry Kiwanis member and Past President Anne Marie McDevitt. Photo courtesy Perry Kiwanis Secretary Doug Wood.

Dallas County Foundation Development Director Scott Cirksena spoke Tuesday at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Perry Kiwanis Club at the Hotel Pattee.

Cirksena, who is also the mayor of Clive, described the history and purpose of the foundation, the make-up of its board of directors and the process of awarding grants. The foundation receives a share of gambling revenues each year and uses them to fund community betterment projects within Dallas County.

The Dallas County Foundation also accepts private contributions, such as donations of cash, stocks, real estate, bequests, life insurance, and other means of donation, Cirksena said.

He was hosted by six-year Perry Kiwanis member and Past President Anne Marie McDevitt and warmly welcomed by the Perry membership.


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