Donald ‘Pappy’ Lewis, Perry’s happiest honker, turns 93 Tuesday

An open house is planned at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Perry Health Care Center to honor the well known Woodward and Perry figure

Donald "Pappy" Lewis, left, was photographed in 1937 at the age of 14. He turns 93 Tuesday and will celebrate with an open house at 1 p.m. at the Perry Health Care Center. The public is invited to return Pappy's many greetings by attending. The man on the right is unknown.

Donald "Pappy" Lewis regularly greets passersby with a smile and a honk at the Perry Health Care Center parking lot.
Donald “Pappy” Lewis regularly greets passersby with a smile and a honk at the Perry Health Care Center parking lot.

Many people might not know his name, but everyone recognizes the friendly face that greets passersby with a wave and a honk, duck call or train whistle as they travel the outskirts of southeast Perry.

That happy man is Donald “Pappy” Lewis, who will be found most every afternoon (weather permitting) doing his favorite thing: sitting along Iowa Street in front of Perry Health Care Center and performing his duties as a good will ambassador, a task he loves.

Pappy is also well known in the Woodward area, where he resided for several years and was often seen riding his bicycle up and down the stretch of Iowa Highway 210 south of Woodward, picking up bottles, cans and other litter.

An Adopt-a-Highway sign posted along this stretch of blacktop honors his efforts.

Pappy was known for greeting passersby in Woodward for many years, just as he now does in Perry. He came to Perry in 2002.

Pappy will be celebrating his 93rd birthday Tuesday, Sept. 13. There will be an open house in his honor starting at 1 pm. in the dining room of Perry Health Care Center. Cake, ice cream and cotton candy will be served.

Prior to the party, Pappy will undoubtedly be found outside, greeting passersby as he does each day, usually beginning his duties about 11 am.

Area motorists and others are encouraged to make an extra effort to drive by Tuesday and give Pappy a wave and a honk and stop in for his open house. He also loves it when folks stop and chat with him.


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