For Perry DMACC psych instructor, teaching is in her blood

Maggie Jambor of Minburn, the psychology instructor at the DMACC at Perry VanKirk Career Academy, is gearing up for a busy fall term.

Maggie Jambor is surrounded by teachers on all sides of her family. You could say education runs in her blood.

Maggie, however, chose a slightly different path from some of her teacher relatives and opted to teach at the college level. For the past 10 years, she has worked in higher education, teaching first at Metropolitan Community College in Omaha and then at Western Iowa Tech in Sioux City and now at the DMACC VanKirk Career Academy.

In the midst of the upcoming high school football season, it’s a busy time for Maggie, a resident of Minburn, who is the mother of a young toddler and wife of an assistant football coach at ADM.

Maggie is also busy getting ready for the upcoming fall semester at DMACC. She will be teaching three sections of college-level introduction to psychology. Many of the students in her afternoon sessions are high school students from the ADM, Panorama, DCG and Perry communities.

She lights up when she talks about psychology and what her students learn in her classes.

“I think that if you plan to work with anybody, ever, there is something to take from psychology,” Maggie said, “how motivation works, emotions in others, dealing with different types of personalities.”

She said her spring semester course in developmental psychology is helpful in understanding youth psychology, knowledge she surely will use as her toddler grows up.

As Aug, 23 approaches and the first day of classes, Maggie is looking forward to those “lightbulb” moments that are the fuel to most teachers’ fire. Registration continues until Aug. 22 at the DMACC in Perry. Call 515-428-8100 or visit the DMACC website.


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