Freedom for Youth serves up prayers and pancakes

Jessica Evans, left, outreach coordinator for Freedom for Youth Ministries in Des Moines, and volunteer Don Motz of Perry served flapjacks to several dozen children and adults at the Freedom for Youth Prayer and Pancakes fundraiser Saturday morning at the group's downtown Perry center.

Perry’s Freedom for Youth Center held a Prayer ‘n Pancake fundraiser Saturday morning from 9-11 a.m., serving free pancakes to all comers and introducing the resources of their Christian outreach programs for youth.

Jessica Evans, outreach coordinator for the Des Moines-based Freedom for Youth Ministries, said the Perry center is succeeding in meeting a demand in the Perry area.

“We’re serving a lot of young people in Perry,” Evans said. “The community has been extremely generous in supporting our efforts to provide positive social activities for kids.”

The Perry Freedom Center opened in 2013 at 1210 Second St. The remodeled space includes a kitchen, living room area, stage and a large area for activities and tutoring.

During the school year, the Perry center is open Mondays from 4:30-7 p.m. for middle school and high school programs. Elementary school children attend Whiz Kidz on Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m., and children of all ages are welcome Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m. for worship and Bible study.

For more information about the Perry Freedom for Youth Center, contact Evans at



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