Friends of Rippey raise $850 for Greene County Freedom Rock

The Churdan Town and Country Band performed Saturday in Rippey in a fundraiser for the Greene County Freedom Rock. The event was sponsored by the Friends of Rippey. Photo courtesy Jean Borgeson

The Friends of Rippey hosted the Churdan Town and Country Band in a fundraiser for the Greene County Freedom Rock Saturday evening Aug. 13. There was a cool breeze, and the threat of rain vanished as the band played familiar tunes.

The event was well attended, with about 75 persons bringing their lawn chairs and setting up on the lawn in front of the library and community room.

The band played good old songs in the shade of the Rolling Hills Bank. One of the most enjoyable was a reading done by Jeff Lamoureux on “Duty, Honor, Freedom,” with the band playing background music.

Ice cream was served by the Friends of Rippey, along with sweets provided by the Veterans of Greene County. Don Ihnken provided information about the Freedom Rock, and photos of it were passed around for all to see.

It is very big rock and will be moved to the permanent site in Jefferson between the former Milligan Grain elevator and the Jefferson Depot. The audience was pleasantly surprised to learn the rock will be painted in October 2016 rather than April 2017.

When the band played the tunes associated with the branches of the military, Greene County Veterans were asked to come forward during the military salute. Rippey veterans receiving honors were U.S. Army veterans LaVere Derry, Dennis Ulrich, Gary Schmidt, Garry Higgins, Gary Weaver, Jack Lint and Dan Brubaker, U.S. Air Force veteran Mike Scharingson and U.S. Army National Guard veteran Phil Roberts.

An army helmet was circulated through the crowd, in a pass-the-hat gesture that resulted in $850 raised for the painting of the Freedom Rock.

It was an enjoyable evening for a very good cause.

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About 75 people attended Saturday’s Friends of Rippey fundraiser for the Greene County Freedom Rock. The Churdan Town and Country Band performed, and $850 were raised toward painting the Freedom Rock. Photo courtesy Jean Borgeson


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