Goldilocks to go on trial July 27-28 in Carnegie courtroom


Is Goldilocks, played by Karice R. Warden, the innocent victim of the popular fairy tale, or does a criminal lurk behind those golden curls? Find out at the Perry Community Theater’s producrion of “The Trial of Goldilocks” July 27-28 at the Carnegie Library Museum.

Was Goldilocks guilty, or was she innocent, or was she in some third state of neither guilt nor innocence, a fairy tale realm beyond good and evil?

Was Goldilocks a spoiled brat who perpetrated the crime of breaking and entering, or was she the victim of three conniving bears and their gang of hoods?

If you liked “Rashomon,” you will love the Perry Community Theater’s production of “The Trial of Goldilocks,” in which the jury must judge among alternate realities.

The trial will be staged in the Carnegie Library Museum’s courtroom Friday, July 27 and Saturday, July 28 at 7 p.m. and 8 pm. Seating is limited to 40 people, so witnesses are advised to buy tickets soon.

The cast of “The Trial of Goldilocks” includes:

Judge: Debi Zahn
Clerk: Nicole McFarland
Prosecution Attorney: Brandon King
Defense Lawyer: Paullina Mills
Goldilocks: Karice R. Warden
Papa Bear: Drew Zahn
Momma Bear: Andrea Brownlee
Baby Bear: Timothy Zahn
Forman of the Jury and Vender: Courtney Straker
Juror and Vender: Elana Zahn
Juror and Vender: Sierra Coleman
Juror: Toby Zahn
Juror: Kyrie Zahn
Juror: Rayma Zahn
Juror: Abigail Zahn
Juror: Ameli Zahn
Juror: Elyssa McFarland
Juror: Emma McFarland
Juror: Callie McFarland

Tickets are $5 and go on sale at the Carnegie Thursday, July 5.

The cast of “The Trial of Goldilocks” includes Debi Zahn, Nicole McFarland, Brandon King, Paullina Mills, Karice R. Warden, Drew Zahn,  Andrea Brownlee, Timothy Zahn, Courtney Straker, Elana Zahn, Sierra Coleman, Toby Zahn, Kyrie Zahn, Rayma Zahn, Abigail Zahn, Ameli Zahn, Elyssa McFarland, Emma McFarland and Callie McFarland. Photo courtesy Perry Community Theater


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