High summer birthdays celebrated Friday at Perry Perk

Celebrating Ray Harden's birthday Friday were, clockwise from left, Gary Becker, Jim Caufield, Lou Hoger, Dennis Ulrich, Tom Ulrich, Ray Harden, Ken Finer, Doug Latham and Dan Spellman.

Celebrating Karol Mueller’s birthday Friday were the Women of Wonder (WOW), clockwise from front right, Lois Hoger, Carolyn Guay, Valarie McColl, Barb Landgraf, Shirley Ehlers, Kathy Fox, Sandy Seeman, Karol Mueller, Connie McGuire, Myrna Whitehead and Jan Smith.

A pair of birthday parties filled the Perry Perk with the sounds of merriment Friday morning in downtown Perry.

The Society of Retired Experts (SORE) cheered Ray Harden on his special day by fattening his Palin Pig, and Doug Latham was given birthday blessings before his skydiving adventure in the afternoon.

In the west room, the Women of Wonder (WOW) coffee group, celebrating four years since its founding, feted Karol Mueller with coffee and handmade birthday cards.

The lilting song of the ladies was followed by the baser tones of the male moiety.


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