Homemade ice cream a cool summertime treat at Minburn event

Old-fashioned summer fun awaited visitors the the Minburn United Methodist Church's annual ice cream social Saturday.

Apart from the paper, plastic and styrofoam, the meal was just like grandma used to make.
Apart from the paper, plastic and styrofoam, the meal was just like grandma used to make.

A hot and humid Saturday evening in July can stir fond memories of the good old days before air conditioning and the old-fashioned church events held during those times.

This was at least partly the case with the annual Minburn United Methodist Church ice cream social and movie night, except that this old-fashioned event provided air-conditioned comfort in the church’s basement. Dozens of local folks gathered to share the fellowship of the traditional summer pastime and to catch up on the whatever events of interest might have happened since last they met.

The menu included traditional favorites, such as beef burgers, hot dogs, beans, chips, pies, cakes and homemade ice cream. Grandmother never used plastic spoons or paper napkins or styrofoam plates, but that shows how far we have come in the direction of convenience.

Later in the evening, the movie “God’s Not Dead” was shown. It was not clear who ever suggested He was. A movie for children was also shown.

Free-will donations were accepted, with the proceeds going toward church operations.

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A flyer advertised the annual Minburn social event.
A flyer advertised the annual Minburn social event.


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