ISU Extension, Adel Chamber team up for college football cookout

Cailyn Lamm, marketing director for the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offices in Dallas County, presented a draft flyer for the Oct. 28 cookout for all football fans to be held on the west side of the courthouse.

Dallas County extension and the Adel Chamber of Commerce are teaming up for college football cookout Oct. 28 on the west side of the Dallas County Courthouse lawn.

“The purpose is to spread awareness of some of our programs and develop a sense of community,” said Caitlyn Lamm, marketing director for the offices of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in Dallas County, often called Dallas County Extension for short.

Cailyn Lamm
Cailyn Lamm

Lamm presented a request Tuesday to the Dallas County Board of Supervisors for permission to use the courthouse grounds for the event in partnership with the Adel Chamber of Commerce, called Adel Partners. She said the partnership is a natural one.

“We’d like also during that time to highlight some local businesses,” Lamm said, “because the Chamber is beginning a campaign to bring awareness to local citizens that they don’t have to go to Des Moines to get their services when a lot of them are located here in Adel.”

Supervisors Chair Mark Hanson asked Lamm briefly to review what Dallas County Extension does.

“ISU Extension and Outreach takes all the research that’s developed at Iowa State University and turns that into local education,” Lamm said. “People think that it’s continuing education for adults, but it’s not really that. It’s more education that you can take and use for your daily life, so we have nutrition and gardening, and we do a lot with agriculture. We have the 4-H program and the Master Gardener program. Pretty much any question that you need a research-based answer to, we can provide for you. So just let us know what you need, and we can help.”

A spirit of partisanship entered the discussion when Hanson asked whether Hawkeye fans should support an ISU event.

“Should we do this,” Hanson asked fellow Supervisor Brad Golightly, “being a University of Iowa graduate?” Lamm had a ready reply.

“Okay, so my sample flyer does say, ‘All football fans are welcome,'” she said, with laughter general in the supervisors’ chambers. The board approved the request.

Cailyn Lamm, marketing director for the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach offices in Dallas County, presented a draft flyer for the Oct. 28 cookout for all football fans to be held on the west side of the courthouse.


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