January’s Shining Knights model responsibility in school

January's Shining Knights included, front row from left, Bianca Lopez-Casas, Aneleya Lepe-Godoy, Sebastian Farmer, Robert Heady and Collins Brelsford; back row from left, Ezra Farmer, Maddie McDevitt, Ellie Hughes, Hayden Splendore and Kilee Hughes. Photo courtesy St. Patrick Catholic School

Ten students from St. Patrick Catholic School were named this week as Shining Knights for January.

The students were recognized for consistently being responsible throughout the month.

January’s Shining Knights included Collins Brelsford, Ezra Farmer, Sebastian Farmer, Robert Heady, Ellie Hughes, Kilee Hughes, Aneleya Lepe-Godoy, Bianca Lopez-Casas,  Maddie McDevitt and Hayden Splendore.


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