Kathy Fox feted on birthday by Women of Wonder

Attending the WOW birthday party Friday at the Perry Perk were, front row from left, Valarie McColl, Kathy Fox and Janet Smith; second row from left, Connie McGuire, Lois Hoger, Carolyn Guay and Elsie Mace.

Helping Kathy celebrate at the Perry Perk coffeehouse with coffee, sweet rolls and funny little hats were Carolyn Guay, Lois Hoger, Elsie Mace, Valarie McColl, Connie McGuire and Janet Smith.

The Women of Wonder (WOW) coffee group met Friday in celebration of the anniversary of the birth of one of the group’s founding mothers: Kathy Fox of Perry.

Helping Kathy celebrate at the Perry Perk coffeehouse with coffee, sweet rolls and funny little hats were Carolyn Guay, Lois Hoger, Elsie Mace, Valarie McColl, Connie McGuire and Janet Smith.


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