KC youth Soccer Challenge set for Sunday

Perry St. Jude Council 1243 of the Knights of Columbus will be holding their annual Soccer Challenge Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Perry Athletic Complex. The competition is open for all boys and girls ages 9-14.

All boys and girls ages 9-14 are invited to try out their accuracy Sunday at the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge.

The event, hosted by Perry St. Jude Council 1243 of the K of C, will be held at 3 p.m. at the Perry Athletic Complex, located just north of the high school. The annual Latino Fest will be taking place in the PHS parking lot from 12-6 p.m.

Youngsters are divided into boys and girls divisions and by age, with each participant given a series of kicks from the penalty spot at an undefended goal. Points are awarded based on the accuracy of the shooter, with higher points given for shots that would be harder for a goalie to stop.

Medals will be given to all winners, and several prized will be awarded. Drawings will be held for free soccer balls as well. There is no cost to participate.

Players will take numerous shots at an undefended goal from the penalty kick spot, scoring points based on their accuracy.


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