Martin welcomes Menke to Perry Optimist Club

Ned Menke, left, was installed Wednesday night as the newest member of Perry's Optimist Club International. Optimist Joel Martin presented Menke with his membership certificate.

Perry’s Optimist Club International admitted a new member to its ranks at this month’s meeting in the person of Perry Elementary School Co-Principal Ned Menke, who was welcomed to the club Wednesday night and presented his certificate of membership by his fellow co-principal, Joel Martin.

Optimists Menke and Martin are in their first year as joint administrators of Perry’s grade school.

The Optimist membership also welcomed Tom and Janet Lloyd of the West Des Moines Optimist Club, who outlined for the Perry members some fundraising options as volunteer concession sellers at Iowa Cubs games.

The Lloyds said many service clubs raise money by selling beer and peanuts, ice cream and popcorn and similar drinks and snacks during the Cubs’ 72-game seasons.

Optimist Club President Jenny Eklund thanked the Lloyds for attending the meeting and sharing their information. The Perry members responded positively to the prospect of working at ball games.

Supporting various children’s causes with its activities, the Perry Optimist Club meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in the Cellar of La Poste. Eklund said new members are always welcome to attend.

Janet Lloyd, left, and Tom Lloyd discussed fundraising options at Iowa Cubs games with the members of the Perry Optimist Club Wednesday night.


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