Mother, daughter, granddaughter beat odds with same birthday

Sharing the same Aug. 22 birthday are Karen Fitzgerald of Perry, right, her daughter, Alicia Dawn Hamann of Perry, and granddaughter, Valentina Fitzgerald, who turns 1 this month.

Life is sometimes all a matter of timing, and Karen Fitzgerald of Perry, who shares a birthday with both her daughter and granddaughter, is living proof.

Karen was born Aug. 22, 1963. In 1981 she gave birth to her daughter, Alicia, on her own birthday, Aug. 22.

Last year her son and daughter-in-law, Brandon and Jessica Fitzgerald of Oskaloosa, had their first child, a daughter named Valentina, and Valentina’s birthday was — you guessed it — also Aug. 22.

“Valentina had a rough start,” Karen said, “so we didn’t get to celebrate much when she was born, but we have big plans for her first birthday and all the years to come.”

Grandma Karen and Aunt Alicia Dawn Hamann spent their birthdays last year in the hospital, welcoming Valentina.

The odds of three generations of a single family sharing birthdays ranges somewhere between 1 in 130,000 and one in 48,627,125. It takes the higher math to make such calculations.

“It’s almost like winning the lottery,” Karen said, “and we really take advantage of our coincidence by loving our birthday girl Valentina.”

Karen also treats her daughter to a special day every year. Mother and daughter have spent their birthdays together every year since 1981, excepting only two years.

“What a great blessing to have my daughter and granddaughter with me on my birthday,” Karen said. “These are gifts I keep enjoying every year!”

She said big birthday plans for this year include a first birthday party for Valentina, with lots of friends and family attending, and then a quieter but no less special day with just the three birthday girls.

Valentina Fitzgerald, daughter of Brandon and Jessica Fitzgerald of Oskaloosa, will celebrate her first birthday Tuesday, Aug. 22, the same day her aunt and grandmother were born.


  1. I also share my birthday with my daughter and grandson, Dec. 14. I was born in 1991 and my daughter in 1991. My grandson 2015.

  2. My fiancees great great grandmother, great grandmother and grand mother all share same birthday of September 1st and even odder is that they all died within 10 days of their birthdays.

  3. I was born on October 20, 1962 had my daughter on my 21st birthday October 20, 1983
    and she had her daughter on October 20, 2017! WOW!


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